There's nothing wrong being nervous by facilitating your first workshops!
Authenticity is the key🗝
I am an extrovert! I know that and I can't change it because it's part of my personality. Does that make me a better facilitator than a person who is more introverted? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
A lot of people seem to think that you HAVE to be extroverted to be a good facilitator.
Being a good facilitator has nothing to do with you being an extrovert or an introvert.
In fact, what you need is authenticity.
Being nervous before you go on stage, in front of an expecting audience, is normal - even for an extrovert🤪- by the way.
But when you're yourself, authentic and vulnerable, and you dare to say, "Hey, I'm really excited to be here, but I'm a little nervous." People can relate to that, build a connection with you and feel comfortable being themselves too. When you show that you are nervous, you are human and authentic.
Do not try to play a role that makes you look unnatural. This would have the opposite effect and you would lose your credibility.
Accept your nerves for what they are without feeling ashamed or blaming yourself.
It is okay to be yourself and after reading these tips, you will get a grip on it:
1️⃣ Be mindful, breathe and move:
As the workshop date approaches and all the preparations are made, take some time for yourself. Do some breathing exercises or a round of Zumba to shake out the endorphins.
Make this time of mindfulness part of your final preparations because you can master it,
2️⃣ Put yourself in the shoes of your workshop participants:
Try to put yourself in the shoes of the workshop participants. I am sure you would not notice every little mistake, for example a grammatical error on the slide. I am sure you would judge the fact that the facilitator is sloppy or nervous.
Remember that at the end of the day, the only thing that counts is what the participants have achieved: a problem solved, a decision made!
3️⃣ Be prepared:
Besides the agenda and all the activities, write a script of how you will present yourself and practice in front of the mirror! I swear it helps!
Before going on stage, a music band needs to rehearse a lot: Create your own rehearsal!
4️⃣ Be ready to improvise if an activity doesn't go as expected.
Having a few alternatives up your sleeve just in case is a lifesaver. You can also take a break if you feel you are running out of energy.
Get a head start to be prepared, but remember that you can't control everything!
In the end practice makes perfect, maybe like most of us you will always be nervous before a workshop but you will learn to control your nerves and enjoy the adrenaline rush.
Tomorrow I'm releasing another podcast episode of "There is a Workshop for that!" on Substack, where Rebecca Courtney talks about her first workshop in front of international skilled facilitators and reveals her 3 key takeaways.
So stay tune🎧 :)